Workforce Management Software

As a HCM specialist, SIGMA-RH offers one of the most powerful scheduling and planning software packages on the market. Comprising 4 modules, including one for scheduling under constraints, our suite offers an integrated solution that will transform your time management.

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Logiciel gestion de temps de travail et planification

4 Integrated and Flexible Modules

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Time and Attendance Management Module

Decentralize and simplify your time and absence management.

  • With the employee portal, make it easier to submit timesheets, leave requests, and report absences.
  • Streamline the validation process and the tracking of working hours for managers.
  • Incorporate automated calculation rules for secure data transfer to payroll.

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icones Suite horaires et planification_Planification intelligente collaborative
Workforce Labour Optimization

An advanced algorithm allows for precise and flexible schedule management.

  • Automatically generate schedules tailored to specific constraints.
  • Plan effectively while respecting the needs of the company and the preferences of employees.
  • Proactively manage replacements and adjustments to your schedules.

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icones Suite horaires et planification_Prévision de la demande
Demand Forecasting Module

Effectively anticipate your staffing needs with this module.

  • Use historical data to accurately model demand.
  • Convert foot traffic into concrete staffing requirements.
  • Sync with trends to adjust your resources in real time.

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Scheduling and Time Clock Module

This module assists you in effectively managing work time.

  • Record employee clock-ins/outs and break times, and receive notifications in case of absence or tardiness.
  • Compare planned and worked hours.
  • Ensure compliance with working hours through automatic alerts.

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Key Benefits

Suite Temps

Accurate Time Tracking

Automate the recording of working hours using time clocks and timesheets. Ensure rigorous tracking of worked hours (including overtime), absences, and holidays. Thus, reduce human errors and the time allocated to time management, and ensure reliable payroll calculations.

The Best Planning Tool

With our smart planning tool, align your company's labour needs with employees' skills, availability, and preferences. Optimize the use of human resources and ensure service continuity for the company while improving the working environment for your employees.

Improving Employee Experience

Increase your staff's engagement with our intuitive user interface. Provide your employees with the ease of managing their own leave and schedule requests, thereby enhancing their job satisfaction.

Compliance With Labour Standards

Reduce errors in time management and ensure regulatory compliance in terms of labor standards. Maximize the efficiency of resource allocation and significantly decrease expenses associated with personnel.

Trust SIGMA-HR for Your Time Management

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They Trust Us

Case study

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The SAQ modernizes workforce planning for 5,500 employees with SIGMA-HR

The Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) has taken a major step forward by replacing its scheduling and personnel management solution with SIGMA-HR's Workforce Labour Optimization software.

Faced with logistical challenges and complex collective agreements, the SAQ has found in SIGMA-HR a major ally in the evolution of its digital transformation of the employee experience.

Read the case study →

A Solution That Meets Your Expectations

Senior Management

Gain insights into operational efficiency, labour costs, work time trends, and make strategic decisions based on this information.

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Human Resources Manager

Digitize recurring tasks and confirmation processes related to time management. Simplify and secure payroll through the transfer of variable pay elements. Generate reports on working hours and monitor compliance with labour regulations

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Approve leave requests and track employees' working hours. Ensure a fairer distribution of working hours within your teams through smart planning. Anticipate human resource needs and optimize productivity with a comprehensive and analytical view of the entire activity.

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Logiciel gestion de temps de travail et planification Logiciel gestion de temps de travail et planification Logiciel gestion de temps de travail et planification Logiciel gestion de temps de travail et planification Logiciel gestion de temps de travail et planification

“As a user of the Workforce Labour Optimization module, I am extremely satisfied. We have halved our schedule production time. This greatly simplifies my daily life as a member of the planning team m.”

Dr. Raphaël G., Acting Medical Director

Discover Our Suites and Choose the Best HCM Solution

Schéma SIRH global - BASE RH-12
HR Management Suite
Gestion des talents
Talent Management Suite
Schéma SIRH global - BASE RH-11
Occupational Health and Safety Suite
Schéma SIRH global - BASE RH-10
Labour Relations Suite

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