Learning Management Software

Strengthen your company’s skills and productivity with SIGMA-HR, an innovative software for managing learning, assessing skill needs.

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Learning Management Software

Corporate Training : A Performance Lever

Corporate training is crucial for professional development, optimizing skills, and fostering growth and innovation. It is a strategic investment that aligns with the needs of the workforce and the goals of the organization.

In the face of a labour shortage, it becomes a strategic lever, strengthening internal skills, attracting new talents, and reducing employee turnover. This strategy increases versatility and adaptability, improving productivity and providing a sustainable competitive advantage without the need for additional hiring.

Our software also helps you comply with the Skills Act (1%), through enhanced expense tracking, ensuring compliance with the 1% threshold of payroll.

SIGMA-HR’s Learning module enables your company to stay efficient and competitive.

Formation (5)

Build an Effective Training Plan

SIGMA-HR’s Learning module module centralizes all requests and allows HR to have a comprehensive view of training needs:

  • Employees can make training requests directly from the employee portal.
  • Managers can request training for individual or collective needs.
  • All training requests made in our Performance module can be retrieved.
  • The module also enables alerts regarding the expiration dates of certifications to anticipate renewals and include them in the training plan.

Additionally, a training catalogue targeting the most relevant or strategic programs for the company can be created by the HR department. This catalogue is accessible to employees through their employee portal.

Manage Your Training Budget

Effectively track your training budget based on:

  • Types of training: mandatory training, necessary training, skills assessments, etc.
  • Teaching methods: in-person training, distance learning.

SIGMA-HR’s software optimizes the management of your forecast training budget and the tracking of your actual training budget, including pedagogical costs, salary costs, and travel expenses.

Formation (1)
Formation (2)

Map Your Employees’ Skills

This module allows you to list and assess the skills of each of your employees. This assessment can be conducted during the recruitment interview, professional interview, annual review, or after a training.

With the analysis tools offered by SIGMA-HR, you can:

  • Easily confirm the match between an employee’s skills and the requirements of their position while supporting them in developing their skills.
  • Anticipate retirements and promote the development of skills for future successors through a personalized training plan.

Define Your Job Framework

This module allows you to accurately define your job descriptions: domain, type, strategic importance, related tasks, collective agreement, requirements, required skills, working hours, contract type, salary scale, etc.

The more precise the job descriptions, the more time you save in the daily management of your HR tasks because they are then used for:

  • Posting job offers on job websites, your HR self-service, or your website.
  • Assessing the skills and work of your employees during annual performance reviews.
  • Associating professional risks in a grouped manner.
Formation (4)
Formation (3)

Simplify the organization of your training

Optimize the organization of your training with our module:

  • Quickly find a replacement in case of withdrawal to avoid financial losses.
  • Create customized questionnaires to assess the relevance of training and training organizations.
  • Simplify the registration process for training.
  • Automate the sending of training invitations.
  • Easily generate attendance certificates for participants.

Key Features

  • Organization and Planning of Training
  • Budget monitoring
  • Individual Training Plans
  • Training Catalogue
  • Training Evaluation
  • Flexible Processes

Optimize your Talent Management Suite by integrating our additional modules


Recruitment Module

This module simplifies your recruitment procedures, from creating a job posting to selecting the candidate and integrating them.

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Performance Review Module

Make the organization of your professional and annual interviews more efficient and structured, ensuring smooth management.

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signature électronique

Electronic Signature Module

An integrated electronic signature within the HCM system allows you to have all your HR documents signed.

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Explore Our Suites and Choose the Best HCM Solution

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