Performance Review Module

Our Performance Review Module transforms the way your company manages employee evaluations, offering a comprehensive solution for more effective human capital management (HCM).

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Performance Review Software

Simplify the Organization of Your Performance Review

Performance reviews might seem complex, especially when they involve all employees and need to be completed within a tight timeframe.

However, their importance cannot be overstated. Annual reviews are crucial for analyzing past year performances, highlighting successes and areas for improvement, and setting clear goals for the coming year.

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Optimize Your Employee Performance Review Campaigns

This module simplifies the organization of your performance review campaigns:

  • Schedule reviews taking into account employees' calendars (absences, leave, training, etc.).
  • Automate notifications.
  • Develop personalized evaluation questionnaires by HR managers.
  • Allow employees and their manager to prepare for their reviews using the questionnaire prepared by the HR department in their HR self-service.
  • Validate the reviews through an automated process and electronic signature.
  • Archive all reviews in a single database.

Ensure Compliance With Privacy Regulations

It is essential to document performance reviews appropriately and maintain the confidentiality of information shared during these meetings.

This module optimizes the management of evaluations while ensuring efficiency and confidentiality.

  • Implement strict access controls to ensure that only authorized persons (HR managers, supervisors, and relevant personnel) can access evaluation-related information. Comply with legal standards for privacy and data confidentiality, such as Bill 25.
  • Configure, if desired, your evaluation processes so that comments, ratings, and performance goals remain confidential.
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Support Your Employees’ Career Development

With SIGMA-HR, all data from performance reviews are efficiently centralized.

This allows the HR department to have a consolidated view of training requests, internal mobility requests, career development wishes, skill assessments, etc.

The software also helps in identifying future talents, high potentials and future leaders. It becomes simpler to build an effective training plan that takes into account the needs of the company, the skills of the employees, their learning wishes, and their aspirations for growth within the organization.

Key Features

  • Organization of all types of evaluations
  • Organization of interview campaigns
  • Exit interviews
  • Customizable questionnaires
  • Automated reminders
  • Self-assessment
  • Configurable interview screens

Complete Your Talent Management Suite With Our Other Modules


Recruitment Module

This module simplifies your recruitment processes from creating a job advertisement, to selecting a candidate, and through to their integration.

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Learning Module

A module designed to facilitate and optimize the planning, tracking, and improvement of training programs.

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signature électronique

Electronic Signature Module

Our integrated electronic signature allows for the secure signing of your HR documents, such as employment contracts or company policies.

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Discover Our Suites and Choose the Best HCM Solution

Schéma SIRH global - BASE RH-12
HR Management Suite
Horaires et planification
Workforce Management Suite
Santé et sécurité au travail
Occupational Health and Safety Suite
Relations de travail
Labour Relations Suite

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