Choosing an HRIS: who to involve?

Choosing an HRIS: who to involve?

It's official; your company has decided to implement an HRIS: a long-term project that will require lots of work and the involvement of many team members.

Who should be involved in this process? That's what we'll see in today's article.


To begin with, let's remember that HRIS software concerns several key players, mainly at the senior HR management level.

Recruitment, onboarding, automation of redundant administrative tasks, training... HR sees benefits in an HRIS that other departments might not notice at first glance. It is often this department that proposes the implementation, to begin with.

That is why, in a large number of cases, Human Resources directors take control of part, or even all, of the project. Indeed, they understand the ins and outs of many tasks that could be enhanced by a software suite and know the internal processes better than anyone.

For these reasons, we recommend that you include one or more representatives from this department in this significant project.


However, don't think that only HR directors are necessary to complete such a project.

An HRIS can benefit all areas of the company. From managers to HR to senior management, many departments must be taken into account.

It is possible and even recommended to consult all HR areas (payroll, training, recruitment, etc.) to identify the needs of all players.

The finance department, for example, plays an essential role in the process if a payroll module is included in the software suite.

The IT or information systems department should also be involved. This department will put measures ensuring the security of all the company's employees' data into place and ensure the possible integrations with other systems and software already present within the teams. These are aspects not to be taken lightly!

Finally, strategically and depending on the size of your organization, it is essential to involve senior management in your decision-making process.
In fact, this aspect is key to the success of the operation. For an HRIS to be effective and beneficial to your teams, it must be integrated into the daily aspects of your structure and its global strategy.

Managers should also be involved in the process. They will be the driving force behind the adoption of the solution, both at their level and that of their teams. Their opinions and feedback will be concrete indicators of the future use of the solution.


A project manager can be a significant advantage in your implementation process. Indeed, it is not always easy to find someone with knowledge in project management, steering, business knowledge, to link the different departments in the company.

However, the project manager will be in charge of coordinating the internal teams, following up on actions with the editor/integrator teams, or even be responsible for meeting deadlines for customer actions.

This role can also be shared between two people to lighten their workload. For example, a Business Project Manager-IT Project Manager duo could be established.


The different members of your teams may not have the same workload throughout your implementation project.

Indeed, the demands and needs will not be the same at the beginning of your project (launch phase). At first, the general processes of your company, its needs and your objectives will be more widely discussed.

Whereas, later, during the design and configuration phase, your teams and your editor's will focus more on the interfacing between different systems or data security, among other things.

The team of your editor/integrator will also have a role to play in this significant project.

You could also set up a detailed RACI at the beginning of the project to know in advance who will be involved in which steps of your implementation.

As a reminder, a RACI is a responsibility matrix. It indicates the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders within each process and activity.
In detail, the roles are defined according to the letters:

  • R - Responsible

The R realizes the action; they are responsible for it. Each action must have an assigned R.

  • A - Accountable

As the name suggests, the A is accountable for the progress of the action. There is always one A (and only one) for each action.

  • C - Consulted

The Cs are the entities (people, groups) that must be consulted.

  • I - Informed

I's are the entities that need to be informed.

This technique will give a clear vision of your editor/integrator's and your teams' workload, also specifying the associated deliverables.

Thus, no unwelcomed surprises in the end!

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